Text to Speech:
80k characters3
Speech to Text:
4 hours3
Cloud Storage:
10 GB3
Stock Footage:
300 HD Downloads3
VEGAS Pro 365
Text to Speech:
1.440k characters4
Speech to Text:
24 hours4
Cloud Storage:
20 GB
Stock Footage:
600 HD Downloads4
VEGAS Pro Suite
Text to Speech:
120k characters3
Speech to Text:
6 hours3
Cloud Storage:
50 GB3
Stock Footage:
500 4K Downloads3
VEGAS Pro Suite 365
Text to Speech:
1.800k characters4
Speech to Text:
48 hours4
Cloud Storage:
100 GB
Stock Footage:
unlimited 4K Downloads4
1 Third-party plug-ins or add-ons are not included.
2 VEGAS Pro Suite 365 contains the 365 subscriptions of SOUND FORGE Pro and ACID Pro
3 The quota is valid for one year from registration of the permanent license. After one year, any unused quotas expire.
4 For better comparability, we have extrapolated the monthly quotas of the subscription models to the whole year. However, the above quotas are available monthly (e.g. Speech to Text VEGAS Pro: 24 hours/year = 2 hours/month).
* You can purchase additional quotas for the functions at any time. Learn more >

Upgrade: VEGAS Pro The creative standard for video and audio
VEGAS Pro 365 The creative standard for video and audio
- The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.

Upgrade: VEGAS Pro Suite Integrated tools for content creators
VEGAS Pro Suite 365 Integrated tools for content creators
- The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.